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Best Bedroom Colors

bedroom color tips

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Color Meaning and Tips That Can Fit In Your Bedroom

When you’re remodeling or simply redecorating, wall color is definitely going to be something you consider. If you are changing your bedroom, it’s important to think about the mood that you’d like to create in this personal space before choosing your favorite color for the paint – especially if the color is trendy! Residents tire of trendy colors quickly, so unless you don’t mind painting the room again relatively soon, choose a tried and true color from the list we’ve put together below!

Kansas City Remodeling serves Gardner, Merriam, Mission Woods, Westwood Hills and many more suburbs of Kansas City, and we talk with customers daily who have very different ideas about how they want their bedrooms to look. To each his own is what we say! We can help anyone achieve the bedroom of their dreams, including helping them choose the perfect paint color.

Here are a few of the best bedroom colors and a little bit about the effect they can have on you:

  • Blue – One of the most relaxing colors, blue can help you get more sleep lowering heart rate and blood pressure. Not surprisingly from a color that mimics the sky and the ocean, sleeping in a blue room will help you wake up calm and happy.
  • Yellow – Yellow is another color that aids sleep, despite how sunny and bright it is. This color encourages the body to relax because it stimulates the nervous system, and yellow is a color that makes any room feel cozy, especially in a light shade.
  • Green – A green bedroom will make you wake up feeling energetic and positive, according to research. Choose an earth tone green for the maximum effects of this color.
  • Metallics – A silver or gold hue on the walls is soothing, even in a modern, minimalistic bedroom. People who sleep in a room that has metallic tones also feel motivated upon waking.
  • Gray – Although a shimmery silver may be great for your sleep, studies show that people who sleep in gray bedrooms actually spend more time than on their devices in bed. Too bad since gray has become the new neutral for many homes!
  • Orange – Another surprise here, orange actually relaxes the body and soothes the digestive system, helping sleepers drift off easier, even after overeating.
  • Purple – If you love purple, you might want to consider using it in some other room besides the bedroom! A stimulating color that keeps the mind active, it’s one of the worst for hours of sleep per night.
  • Brown – While a taupe or tan might feel cozy and romantic, dark brown tends to make people feel isolated and have restless sleep, so go for a lighter shade of brown rather than a darker one.

Depending on your personal preferences, you can, of course, paint your bedroom any color you choose. Just be aware that these characteristics are associated with each one. And remember, you can always incorporate a color you love into the room without coating the walls with it!

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